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3. Mai. 2021 - 10. Mai. 2021
Rumänien / Romania
/ Bucharest / SIGMA ART / I don’t want to be a buffoon!
SIGMA ART Cultural-Artistic Foundation PROFILE
SIGMA ART (SA) organization is composed by – SIGMA ART Cultural-Artistic Foundation (SACAF) and
– SIGMA ART Theatre Company (SATC) and Studio.
SIGMA ART Cultural-Artistic Foundation (SACAF), according to its cultural-educational activity (theater and drama in education workshops) and artistic (performances), is the first and only institution of „Theater and Drama in Education“ in Romania, nationally and internationally recognized, which is an important formal and informal segment of Education in Europe.
SACAF, founded in 1995, runs a cultural-educational and artistic resource centre which offers support to young people, socially disadvantaged groups and artists and to other organizations with similar objectives.
Starting with 1995, it has succeeded in involving more than 10.000 young people (as street children and high school youngsters) and adults throughout the country in theatrical and social-educational programs. SA involves its target groups in analysing social, intercultural and moral problems through workshops and performances.
SACAF promotes a strong emphasis on cultural diversity and equal gender opportunities.
The foundation aims to improve the access and participation for all in the European Union culture, recognizing that culture is a key factor in social integration and citizenship building process (social cohesion).
SIGMA ART Theatre Company (SATC) and Studio is the result of the educational and professional (through actors, dancers and theatre directors) activity with adults and teenagers from the very best Bucharest high schools.
Founded in 2005, SATC is working at the moment with teenagers, adults and professional artists at the SIGMA ART Studio, Bucharest, ’’Vasile Cristoforeanu’’ School in Râmnicu Sărat, ’’Maior Gheorghe Pastia’’ Popular Athenaeum, Focsani, Vrancea a.s.o. The Company has been performing at least once a week for the last sixteen years in its Studio, in the Bucharest Universities and in many high schools of Bucharest, Buzau, Ramnicu Sarat and Focsani cities.
SIGMA ART Foundation, beside the performances’ production, is committed in social theatre activities as well as in Education. Social theatre is considered a powerful mean of inclusion, an opportunity for the community to promote lifelong learning and dialogue.
In the field of Education, SIGMA ART Foundation promotes theatrical activities linked to the “family learning” concept.
By involving parents in children informal education activities, SIGMA ART Foundation aims to improve the drama communication inside the family in order to break the gap between generations and increase the personal development of young generations though educational drama and theatre tools.
In the last 20 years, SIGMA ART Foundation, through EU projects and collaborations had the chance to actively work with various social disadvantaged groups such as: prisoners, abandoned youngsters / kids at risk, kids with HIV and aphasia, Roma population, teachers working in rural areas.
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So, 12:00
nach J.P. Dopagne, M. Vișniec und W. Shakespeare
Ein Theaterstück über den Begriff der Freiheit, ausgehend von den ewig gegensatzlichen Figuren „Narr” und „Herr“, stellvertretend dargestellt als Lulu und Lear in Shakespeares Konig Lear.
Wenn Dopagnes und Visniecs dramaturgischer Ansatz die gegenwärtige Oberfläche der heutigen Wahrnehmung von Werten wie Wahrheit und Freiheit auflösen, wie lässt sich dann eine authentische Basis für die obengenannten Gegenspieler finden. Sie müssen zusammenarbeiten!
Der Narr und die Narretei sagen durch ihre reine Erscheinung auf der „Weltbühne“ schon die Wahrheit, entmystifizieren und prophezeien den Zerfall der Macht und die Erniedrigung des Herren, der wie Konig Lear durch die Schule der Narrenphilosophie geht. Er verlacht die heuchlerischen Werte des gesunden Menschenverstandes und entdeckt Bedeutung in der Absurdität.
Beide Charaktere sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille, ihr Optimismus kann nicht nur ironisch sein, die Show muss weitergehen. Aber zu welchem Preis?
Sigma-Art Cultural Artistic Foundation, Bucharest (RO)
Cast: George Necula, Călin Neculau und Vlad Stroe
Regie: Cristian Dumitrescu
Dauer: 40 min
Aufführung in rumänischer Sprache
Contact: Cristian Dumitrescu
Sigma Art
„I don’t want to be a buffoon!“
SIGMA ART is currently rehearsing „Schwarze milch…“
after Midsummer Night Dream by William Shakespeare
and Todesfuge by Paul Celan