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AMAFEST 22: Vigkarma/DESZ – The Universal
23. Sep.. 2022/13:00

23. SEP.
Fr, 13:00
VIGKARMA – DESZ (University Theatre Debrecen)
The theatre company “Vigkarma” is one of the most recent independent theater “laboratories” of Debrecen, Hungary – it has been established in January 2014 by independent theater-makers, who had been working together for years by then, and rehearses and puts performances on stage under the auspices of the Theatre of the University of Debrecen (DESZ). We frequently participate at independent and university theatre festivals. Our play “Ubu FC – The Final Match” has received the István Paál Diploma at the FEST-Feszt, Budapest in November 2017, and received a Creative Prize for “the surprising and witty re-thinking of classic absurd” at the XXXVI. Imre Madách Literature and Theatre Festival at Balassagyarmat. It has also been performed at Joy Fest in Kiev in 2018 in English, and at the 2019 Mondial of the International Amateur Theatre Association in Saint Johnm New Brunswick, Canada. Our current effort in English, “The Universal”, had been performed at the 11. International University Theatre Festival of Pécs in June 2022.
In the play “The Universal”, we are presenting four of the six one-act comedy play from “All In The Timing” by David Ives. The scenes are connected by the themes of language, communication, and human understanding (or lack of it), with existentialist perspectives of life and meaning (or lack of it).
Language: English / Duration: 90 min
Author: David Ives / Director: Péter Szurdoki / Cast: Viola Barta, Veronika Tar, Sándor Marton, Dániel Szabó, Péter Szurdoki
Karten: 9,- EUR
nur an der Abendkasse:
Tageskarte 12,- EUR
Abo (alle AMAFEST-Vorstellungen): 25,- EUR