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AMAFEST 23: Glaros – SEBBE
17. Juni. 2023/18:00

/ Italien – Florenz / GLAROS – SEBBE
17. JUNI
Sa, 18:00
About Glaros:
Director Massimo Stinco creates every year new shows about the reality of life, problems of young people, conflicts, violence, homophobia, gay guys, dark stories.
More and more gruesome news is being read about youth spending a lot of time watching violent videos, videos of war, massacres and even worse, looking for guns. And many of these children, seemingly without reason, become the protagonists of heinous episodes of violence and massacres. The Swedish film Sebbe, which inspired my show, shows us the sad story of a fifteen year old who has only experienced the worst in life. The movie takes place in a Swedish town in 2010 and although it’s a fictional story, it’s not hard to believe that it could all be true. Lots of kids grow up like that everywhere.
Sebbe is a child who has no affection, is bullied at school on a daily basis and is misunderstood by everyone.
Sebbe hardly ever speaks because the word doesn’t play a role in his world. We will therefore mainly witness his actions, as if allowing us to enter and contemplate his safe haven.
With this show I ideally continue my theatrical journey against intolerance, family tyranny, marginalization and the difficulties of life. In the series I just wanted to keep the protagonist by physically eliminating all the other characters that are part of Sebbe’s „life“ because they don’t exist for him because there’s just him and his old and broken things that maybe the Belonged to people who were much luckier in life than he was.
Written and Directed by Massimo Stinco / Assistant Director Leonardo Paoli / Cast: Vieri Raddi
Voices of Sara Pallini, Leonardo Paoli, Ermes Carapezza
Original Music by Federica Clementi
Duration: 50 Min.
Premiere Stuttgart International Theatre Festival June 2023
Author: Massimo Stincoa / Director: Massimo Stinco / Cast: Enrico Modeo, Roberto Del Monte
Karten: 5,- EUR
Si leggono sempre più spesso atroci notizie su giovanissimi ragazzi, anche minorenni, che dedicano molto tempo a guardare video violenti, di guerra, di stragi e ancor peggio alla ricerca di armi . E sappiamo quanti di questi ragazzi diventino protagonisti di efferati episodi di violenze e stragi apparentemente senza motivo. Il bellissimo film svedese „Sebbe“ al quale è ispirato il mio spettacolo non parla del tutto di questo ma ci mostra la triste storia di un quindicenne che non ce la fa più a vivere una vita che non è la vita di un ragazzo della sua età. Un ragazzo che ha conosciuto solo il peggio della vita, a partire dai genitori, cresciuto senza un padre, da una madre che a sua volta vive male, lavorando di notte e dormendo di giorno e bevendo troppe birre e fumare ininterrottamente al pub. Una madre che scarica sul figlio tutta la sua rabbia verso un mondo che sembra essere soltanto nero e sbagliato. Che gli dice “ io non ti ho voluto, è colpa di tuo padre se ci sei, io non sono in grado di crescerti „.
Immer mehr grausame Nachrichten werden über Jugendliche gelesen, die viel Zeit damit verbringen, sich Gewaltvideos, Kriegsvideos, Massaker und noch schlimmer, die Suche nach Waffen anzusehen. Und viele dieser Kinder scheinbar ohne Grund zu Protagonisten abscheulicher Episoden von Gewalt und Massakern werden. Der schwedische Film „Sebbe“, der meine Show inspiriert hat, zeigt uns die traurige Geschichte eines Fünfzehnjährigen, der nur das Schlimmste im Leben erlebt hat. Der Film spielt im Jahr 2010 in einer schwedischen Stadt und obwohl es sich um eine fiktive Geschichte handelt, ist es nicht schwer zu glauben, dass das alles wahr sein könnte. Viele Kinder wachsen überall so auf.
Sebbe ist ein Kind, das keine Zuneigung hat, täglich in der Schule gemobbt wird und von allen missverstanden wird.
Sebbe spricht fast nicht, weil das Wort in seiner Welt keine Rolle spielt. Wir werden daher hauptsächlich Zeuge seiner Handlungen sein, als ob er uns erlaubt , in seinen sicheren Hafen einzutreten und ihn zu betrachten.
Mit dieser Inszenierung setze ich idealerweise meine theatralische Reise gegen Intoleranz, Tyranei der Familie, Marginalisierung und die Schwierigkeiten des Lebens fort. In der Serie wollte ich nur den Protagonisten behalten, indem ich alle anderen Charaktere, die Teil von Sebbes „Leben“ sind, physisch eliminiere, weil sie für ihn nicht existieren, weil es nur ihn und seine alten und kaputten Dinge gibt, die vielleicht den Menschen gehörten die viel mehr Glück imLeben hatten als er.