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AMAFEST 24: DeeL Teatr – Rozmowa przy herbacie (Teatime)

1. Juni. 2024/15:00



/ Lodz / DeeL Teatr / Rozmowa przy herbacie (Teatime)


Sa, 15:00

DeeL Teatr

Company history:

The company was founded in 2019. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic effectively dismantled the first team. Currently, the band is being formed anew. It consists mainly of pupils and students from Łódź and the surrounding area.

„DeeL“ Theater has already produced one group performance („Women at the Grave“ based on the drama by Michel de Ghelderode) and a monodrama by Antonina Stasiak.

The theater’s development plans already include further proposed performances (including one using puppet animation).

“Teatime” (orig in polish: “Rozmowa przy herbacie”)

What must this young woman have experienced? What – how toxic and destructive – relationship was she in? What brought her to such a state? Are we watching the hazy delusions of a sick mind? Or maybe we are witnesses of a local vision? What do the words spoken by the heroine in her farewell (?) telephone conversation with her mother actually mean?

A condensed, truly psychodrama stage miniature, inspired by the poetic, dreamlike prose of the Polish representative of magical realism, Bruno Schulz, and the poems of the Nobel Prize winner, Wisława Szymborska.

Karten: 10,- EUR