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1. Juni. 2024/13:00
/ Florence / Glaros / ARMADIETTO 7 (LOCKER N°7)
Sa, 13:00
A show written and directed by Massimo Stinco
Francesco Butteri
It’s a story about a guy who uses to go to the gym . All the story is in the lockers room of the gym. Cosimo spend time with his friends before to take a shower , before to go to the sauna , dressing and undressing when he arrives and when he leaves the gym. Cosimo sometimes is angry with other guys, he is in argument and he seems very nervous . Sometimes Cosimo is very nice with everybody and he has a good relationship with the other guys . Cosimo has a secret : one night he was driving and he was drunk . He had an accident and his best friend died . Cosimo survived but he was completely shocked and he didn’t want to continue to live . he couldn’t study anymore , he lost friends, social life , he lost all the energy for living . After an year Cosimo started again to live , started again to study and to have friends and fun . And going to the gym. The same gym where he went with his dead friend David. One day Cosimo finds in his locker ( number 7) some objects that were not belong to him. He understands that this objects belonged to David . It’s impossible to believe , it’s completely strange and unreal. Every day when Cosimo is in the locker room when he opens the locker finds new objects of David . Cosimo understands that David , or his spirit wants to have contacts with him. Cosimo finds again his best friend , Cosimo can talk to him , Cosimo can stay with him , every day . Cosimo spends a lot of time in this lockers room , eating, making exercises, studying , playing, singing with David . The locker number 7 represents David . Finally Cosimo can talk to his friend about that horrible night of the car crash , he says what really he tried, he felt , how much he suffered, how much he was desperate. All the days spent with David help Cosimo to become adult and a different person . At the end Cosimo decides to stop to be a member of that gym and before to leave that lockers room he writes “I love you” in the locker 7 . Cosimo understand he was in love with David , he understands he is gay and he never had the courage to say that . To himself, to his friends , to his family and , above all , to David .
Karten: 10,- EUR