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AMAFEST 24: Scena Sisak – Crvenkapica – istinita priča

31. Mai. 2024/20:00



/ Sisak / Scena Sisak / Crvenkapica – istinita priča (Little Red Ridiing Hood – true story)

31. MAI

Fr, 20:00

Scene Sisak was founded in 2011. Since its inception, they have produced seven performances that have been successfully participating at numerous international theater festivals.

Scene Sisak members are different age groups and profiles. It gathers students, students, bankers, workers, retirees. Tihomir Kosić is the founder and artistic director of Scene Sisak. Since its foundation, more than thirty amateur actors have attended Scena Sisak.

«What a pleasure it was to see „Little Red Riding Hood“, the performance by Scena Sisak, Croatia.
It was during the VREME Festival in Vratsa, Bulgaria (June 2023), where it was very enthusiastically
received by the international audience.
The performance was delightful, funny, full of humor, surprises, excellently acted and directed. Add
to all these elements the great costumes and the scenery
The duration was 45 minutes, not a minute too long or too short. What a difference with other
performances during the festival which were too long without any reason, just dragging on.
„Little Red Riding Hood“, a story that is known to most people, is based on versions by Charles
Perrault and Paul Delarue, who wrote variations of the original story. It shows how Little Red Riding
Hood goes to see her grandmother and meets a wolf in the forest. When the wolf offers to show a
shortcut, Little Red Riding Hood naively accepts this offer from the scary wolf, which leads to many
The performance is a parody, perfectly suited for an international theatre festival, since it is clear
without knowing the language. The cast of only two actors and the small crew make it relatively easy
to travel.
All the requirements for participation in an international festival were met. And not exclusively for an
international festival, also nationally it will be highly appreciated.»
— Dr. Joke Elbers, Amsterdam July 2023

Karten: 10,- EUR