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AMAFEST 24: THAG Theater – La voix humaine

31. Mai./21:00



/ Stuttgart / THAG THEATER / La voix humaine

31. MAI

Fr, 21:00

THAG Theater

Es begann vor 50 Jahren als Schultheater. Die Spiellust der jungen Horde trieb sie dann über die Grenzen ihrer Heimat hinaus in die weite Welt zu den internationalen Theaterfestivals. Einige blieben bei der Gruppe, andere machten Berufskarriere. Heute sind noch ein paar Schauspieler übriggeblieben, die erwartungsvoll in die Zukunft gehen.

It started 50 years ago as a school theater. The young horde’s love of play then drove them beyond the borders of their homeland into the wide world to the international theater festivals. Some stayed with the group, others pursued professional careers. Today there are still a few actors left who look forward to the future with great anticipation.

Love’s left-overs – adaptation after ‘La voix humaine’ by Jean Cocteau
Well: five years she is living already for him, with him, through him, from him – he is the air that she is breathing, her days pass by waiting for him. She presumes him dead if he’s a moment late, getting mad with fear to revive only when he finally arrives, and then she almost dies from fear he could leave again. And now, she is waiting for his call again. It will be the last one!
The whole play is a monologue, in which a woman talks to her former lover – All the over-excitement of a deeply agitated female soul descends like cascades of hysteria down to the audience. The transition truth to lie is blurred, melting into another, small-talk grows into game of chess, and amour fou decays to relationship-bickering.
“There are situations in which a lie can be good and useful”, quoting Cocteau. At the end the abandoned lover will skilfully celebrate her theatrical suicide.

Karten: 10,- EUR