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Croatia – Drama Studio Dada

10. Jan.. 2022/12:00 - 14:00



/ DRAMA STUDIO DADA / KING LEAR according to William Shakespeare and Ulrich Hub

10. JAN.

So, 12:00

King Lear is Shakespeare’s most gruesome tragedy about an aging king who goes crazy, about a nobleman getting his eyes gouged out, Oberyn Martell-style and how two-thirds of children will try to kill their own parents for a mere inheritance.

Drama studio Dada made this performance a bit lighter. Ulrich Hub is a well-known German actor and playwright, and it was his interpretation of this tragedy that we took and played with it. The Hub is known to the general public for its interpretations of Shakespeare’s pieces and their adaptations for children and young people. Writing a new version of the famous drama, he explored what is the value of love? Can love be shared? Is there enough of love for everyone? Can a father love all daughters at the same time? Exciting and moving, but also a funny piece about parents, children and their shared disasters.

In just under an hour we will walk you through the tragedy and by the way try to learn some lesser known facts about William Shakespeare.

Director: Davor Dokleja / Music: Zagušljivi Dim / Costume and set design: Bojana Vojvodić / Light design: Mario Zelenbaba / Illustration for poster: Ivan Munđar / Graphic designer: Bruno Kontrec / Cast: King Lear: Neven Matoša, Cordelia/Fool: Asja Vidović, Goneril: Vita Mikulić, Regan: Eva Marciuš, Edgar: Matej Žerjav, Edmund: Ivan Munđar, Gloucester: Jakov Feher