NEAT: ALL IN THE TIMING by David Ives (eng)

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NEAT: ALL IN THE TIMING by David Ives (eng)

14. März. 2024/20:00


/ New English American Theatre

14. MRZ.

Do, 20:00

“Like sketches for some hilarious, celestially conceived revue. The writing is not only very funny, it has density of thought and precision of poetry…ALL IN THE TIMING is by a master of fun. David Ives spins hilarity out of words.” —The New York Times.

Featuring a number of diverse but equally hysterical one-act comedies, David Ives’ All in the Timing is a witty, romantic, absurd, and existentially-minded evening of theatre.

In Sure Thing, a couple on a first date has the opportunity to reset and try again each time they say the wrong thing.

In The Philadelphia, a man discovers that he’s entered a strange pocket of the universe where the only way to get what he wants is to ask for the opposite.

Words, Words, Words takes the “infinite monkey theorem”– the idea that given enough time, three monkeys in a room could eventually compose any given text, including Shakespeare’s Hamlet — and turns it into reality.

And finally, in The Universal Language, a shy young woman places her faith in her fraudulent language tutor, who is changed for the better when he discovers is the language they share: not the the made-up “Unamunda” professes to be fluent in, but rather the language of love.

Karten: 12 EUR / ermäßigt 9 EUR

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