NEAT: TWO X TWO (Dolores & Duck Variations) (eng)

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NEAT: TWO X TWO (Dolores & Duck Variations) (eng)

21. Okt.. 2021/20:00

TWO X TWO (Dolores & Duck Variations)

/ Gastspiel New English American Theatre

21. OCT.

Do, 20:00


Two One Act Plays with Two Pairs of Actors

DOLORES by Edward Allan Baker featuring Elena Gallego and Nadia Duran & THE DUCK VARIATIONS by David Mamet featuring Derrick Jenkins and Robin Anderson

 THE DUCK VARIATIONS focuses on two old men sitting on a park bench observing ducks on the lake and philosophizing about the world in general and ducks in particular. Theirs is a reluctant friendship based on akward discussions about human nature, sex, friendship, love, and mortality using the metaphor of the ducks to express their fears about aging and death. Ironically, they know nothing whatsoever about ducks.


DOLORES is an unconventional play focusing on a conversation between two very different sisters. Each is an apparent counterpoint to the other. Dolores is a professional victim and communicates a genuine neediness and desperation simmering under the surface. Sandra exhibits a more stable demeanor but slowly and poignantly reveals her character’s suppressed anguish.

The playwright’s injection of humor into the dialogue’s darker moments makes what would otherwise be a very tragic play, more palatable; presenting Dolores as a funny and lovable character, rather than merely a victim.

Karten: 12 EUR / ermäßigt 9 EUR

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